YB Dance is a new ministry of YWAM Berlin - our heart is to tell people about Jesus through dance. We want to give the Holy Spirit space to inspire us to develop choreographies through which he can touch people's hearts.

Our vision is to establish a long-term dance company that works with advanced and professional dancers, tours and ministers to people through dance.

If you would like more information or want to be part of the vision - please contact us!



JULY 16 - 19, 2024

SCHEDULE + Informations

Once you have filled out the application form, we will get in contact with you to set up a video call to get to know you personally. There, you will also receive more informations regarding the Outreach, payment etc.


Intermediate/Advanced dance experience in CONTEMPORARY DANCE.


Including accommodation, transportation, dance intensive week + outreach 600-700€

Leadership: Marie Enners-Mahalingam

I studied dance at several dance schools in Germany. At the age of 16, I joined the “Studienvorbereitended Ausbildung Tanz” of the Rheinische Musikschule Cologne. After graduating from School, I joined a 12-month dance intensive program with dancer and artist Milton Camilo in Wuppertal, Germany.

2014 I started freelancing and have been working with many different dance schools since, teaching ballet and contemporary dance. I worked with several other professional dancers and was part of different freelance projects.

2018 I attended the Marriage of the Arts DTS - Nuremberg", to serve God and people through dance on the mission field in Ethiopia. I felt like God wanted to use me as a dancer and choreographer for his Kingdom.

2019 | moved to Sydney, Australia. I attended Hillsong College and was part of the Dance Stream.

I learned a lot about myself as a dancer, especially about my calling to choreograph. I was able to witness how God used me and the dances I created to heal, free, and bless people.

I feel like we as Christian dancers have only scratched the surface of what God wants to do through dance in this world.