Life Light Community

A discipleship missions school for young adults in everyday life by YWAM Berlin.

Lifelight Community Project.

Our goal is to create student flat-shares that live out daily discipleship as friends. These shared flats become part of a larger community in which space is created to discover and develop personal gifts and to grow spiritually together. Together we follow the Great Commission in our daily student life to reach Berlin.


You commit yourself for one semester to become a part of our Eternal Living School. Every three weeks on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. It’s a day of worship, prayer, teaching, practical implementation, seminars and, of course, good fellowship. At the end of the semester there is a short nine-day missionary outreach. This school enables you to continue your spiritual growth while studying. You will also become part of a larger community of students/trainees who share the same life orientation, living with God and building his Kingdom. In addition, we want to create space for your gifts and talents. We want to help you discover and develop them so that you can use them for God's Kingdom.

Lifelight Community SCHOOL

To participate in our Eternal Living Project, you have to apply with your shared flat or be willing to become part of a shared flat. The WG’s/Flat-Shares are particularly crucial for us because you experience life in daily discipleship and learn to apply what you have learned. In no other setting can you experience each other in the same way as when you live together. This serves to hold each other accountable and helps to encourage one another. It also helps to develop deep friendships.



During the semester, you commit to investing in a project once a week. You can become part of an existing project or start a project with our help. It is important that this project does not take place in a church context (e.g. leading youth group), but reaches the greater society. We believe that we should go to all people to introduce them to God and make disciples of them. So also to those in the art scene, in business, students and any sphere of society. It is often difficult to invite these people to a church service, which is why we have to go where they are. It also gives you an opportunity for your future and to live out a missionary lifestyle. We want to support you in using your gifts and visions for God's Kingdom.




Application fee 80€

Outreach 400-500€


Lifelight Community SCHOOL


05.04 / 26.04 / 17.05 / 07.06 / 28.06 / 12.07 / 09.08

SUMMER BREAK 09.08-19.09

OUTREACH 19.09-28.09


YWAM Berlin | Schönwalder Str.21 | 13347 Berlin

