Take the Gospel to the nations.

Raising the next generation of missionaries to take the Good News to Western urban settings & unreached people groups around the world.


Start of the school: March 24, 2025

End of the school: June 14, 2025

The SOM is a second-level school within the University of the Nations. If you are looking for our entry-level program check out the Discipleship Training School (DTS) starting September 2025!

We believe that the Holy Spirit is moving amongst the nations, preparing a rich harvest of souls for the Kingdom.

From Berlin to the ends of the earth.

From Berlin to the ends of the earth.


Berlin is a strategically placed city that has served as a place of refuge for hundreds of thousands who have fled war and persecution in their own communities. As a result, the city is home to over 170 nationalities! It is a bridge into the nations and a catalytic location for the Gospel to go forth. Our intention with the School of Missions is to equip God's people in a missional community with the tools to share the Good News effectively both to those in urban settings as well as the billions around the globe who have never heard the name of Jesus.



The 12 week lecture phase of the SOM revolves around three main areas of focus. Our first goal is to help the trainees grow in their knowledge of themselves, missions, and the challenges that face them as they take the Gospel to the nations. Our second goal is to help the trainees grow in their character. We want to help them to become the kind of people who can flourish in difficult circumstances and be a beacon of hope in the dark places. The third goal is to help the trainees gain the practical skills that will enable them to be fruitful in the field. We want to equip people to make disciples who can in turn disciple others.


Biblical Basis of Mission
(+ brief introduction to the history of modern missions)

Intercession and Spiritual Warfare

Working with displaced peoples

Disciple Making Movements and Principles of Church Planting

The Character of a Missionary

Serving among the unreached

Vision Development

Cross culture adaptation and Working in a Team