


We believe that Europe is Pre-Revival, not Post-Christian. God is not done with Europe yet.
That is why the REVIVE DTS exists: to raise revivalists in this generation!

Europe carries a significant history of revival & reformation that has deeply impacted the roots of society. We believe that just as it has been a place of great influence in the past, God is raising up His people to be part of a great missions movement that will go forth from this continent once again! A movement of sent ones that have chosen to follow Jesus in their communities and to the ends of earth.
From the universities, to the heart of the urban city, we have been called to be a witness and a messenger for the glory of God.

The heart of the REVIVE DTS is to raise up women and men of character & consecration who can provide leadership for revival in this generation. We are believing in a young generation that says yes to Jesus and takes His message to every area of influence; from their home, to their city, to their university and into the nations. One person’s yes can impact history.


In this first collaborative REVIVE DTS for emerging revival leaders, REVIVE Movement partners with YWAM to glean from years of experience of running Discipleship Training Schools. There will be a lot of learning, shaping, and collaborating in the years to come!

The REVIVE Europe Movement has brought leaders together from YWAM, IFES, 24/7 Prayer, and Steiger to dream about raising up revival leaders of character and consecration.

Being convened around the same heart, and seeing the importance of walking in unity; they came together to put resources behind a Discipleship Training School for people to be formed by the treasures that each of these organizations have cultivated and carried over the decades.

All for one common goal - to equip and empower radical leaders ready to carry and steward a move of God. Each organization will be bringing their strengths and giftings into this School:

YWAM - hearing God’s voice, radical faith and obedience, heart for the nations

IFES - depth in Scripture and having vision for the University

24-7 Prayer - worship lifestyle - prayer, mission and justice

Steiger - mobilize bold evangelists to impact secular culture







Lecture Phase

Lecture phase is a unique time of learning in an interactive group setting. It is formatted through teaching by experienced missionaries and speakers, small group discussions, practical implementation, community lifestyle, times of reflection, personal study, worship and prayer.

Examples of our weekly topics are listed below.

Nature and Character of God:

foundations of igniting revival and inspiring a fresh hunger for encountering Him 

Father Heart of God:

emphasizing how experiencing God’s love can spark individual and corporate renewal

Holy Spirit:

teaching on how revival is birthed, sustained and empowered by the Spirit’s presence and power 

Healthy Relationships:

including how revival fosters reconciliation and restoration - looking at revival then and revival now, often moving at the pace of friendship

Spiritual Warfare:

involving teaching on how revival sparks resistance, requiring vigilant prayer and intercession

Hearing God’s Voice:

learning to discern and obey to steward and sustain the movement of God’s spirit 

Worship and Intercession:

teaching on cultivating personal and corporate engagement with the Heart of God that leads to personal and global impact.

Fear of the Lord:

a cornerstone of revival, emphasizing holy awe and reverence that leads to repentance, consecration and radical obedience

Foundations of Worldview:

teaching involves exploring how revival reshapes perspectives, aligning them more closely with God's Kingdom values and truths


understanding how revived hearts are compelled to share the Gospel, for widespread spiritual awakening and transformation

Call to Missions:

igniting a fresh zeal for global impact and a heart for revival in the nations of the world  

Sonship and Identity:

empowered personal revival starts from confidence in identity and God-given purpose


In the first year of this new project, there will be three tracks offered to give more focus in the program. As we gather those who are being raised up to provide leadership for revival in this next generation, the calling and the context of their leadership will look differently.

We will have one primary session a week to spend in the focused tracks. The track choice may also influence locations/activities in the outreach phase.

The three main contexts we will be looking at in the tracks are:

University + Workplace

University + Workplace Track is for individuals seeking to see a move of God among students and young professionals. This track’s aim is to equip participants with the spiritual foundation and practical tools needed to not only thrive in university settings and workplaces, but also impact those around them.

This track emphasizes the integration of faith, academic disciplines, and career; encouraging participants to explore how God has uniquely called them in their university and workplace to live lives of repentance, consecration, and prayer that could spark a move of God. 

We hope to see participants well equipped to confidently navigate the academic and professional spheres, while living out their faith with boldness and relevance. The YWAM DTS University + Workplace Track empowers individuals to be agents of revival transformation in universities and workplaces, bringing light and hope to every sphere of society.

Creative Arts

The DTS Creative track will combine hands-on training with biblical teaching, encouraging participants to integrate their faith into their creative expression. Through worship, prayer, and community living, students are challenged to grow spiritually and personally, gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their creative role in God’s kingdom as co-creators with God. 

Creative Track participants will have the opportunity to use their creative gifts to serve communities locally or internationally. Whether through performing arts presentations, visual art projects, or workshops, students can share God’s love and message of hope in impactful and innovative ways.

Overall, the Creative track hopes to equip individuals to use their creativity as a powerful tool for ministry, empowering them to make a difference in the world through their artistry and faith.

Pioneering + Frontier Missions

The Pioneering and Frontier Missions track is for individuals with a heart for reaching unreached people groups and pioneering new ministries in challenging environments. 

In this Track, students receive practical training in cross-cultural communication, contextualization, evangelism strategies, and leadership development. Participants explore different models of ministry and learn how to adapt their approach to various cultural contexts.

Participants are encouraged to deepen their relationship with God and rely on His guidance as they step out in faith to pioneer new works for His kingdom.

The hope is to equip future missionaries, church planters, and leaders in frontier mission contexts around the world. The YWAM DTS Pioneering and Frontier Missions track empowers individuals to make a lasting impact for Jesus in the most unreached and challenging places on earth.


Start of the school:   October 1, 2024

Outreach: December-February

End of the school: March 8, 2025


Application Fee: 60€ 

Lecture Phase: 2400€ includes housing/food/local outreach supplies/study materials

Mini Outreach: 150-250€

Outreach Phase: 2500-3200€ includes airfares/travel